ic_bus MC4

Melton Mowbray Town Service

via Baldocks Lane, Grange Drive, Burton Road and Melton Sports Village
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Service Information

Following retendering by Leicestershire County Council there will be major changes to the Melton network from the Sunday 5th January 2025.

Please note that these changes have been instigated by Leicestershire County Council. Centrebus simply operate the services on behalf of the County Council. Therefore, if you would like to discuss any of the following changes, please contact the County Council using the following contact details: https://www.choosehowyoumove.co.uk/public-transport/get-around-by-bus/leicestershire-buses/leicestershire-foxconnect/melton-foxconnect/, telephone: 0116 305 0002, or email: choosehowyoumove@leics.gov.uk.

NEW Melton Connect Services - these services will operate Monday to Sunday, combining the current 14/15 Melton Town services with extensions to the new housing developments. 
- MC1 service will replace the first half of the 15 service, serving Redwood Avenue and Clarke Drive, but is extended up to the new development at Leighton Road. 
- MC2 service will replace part of the current 14 service, serving Queensway, Heather Crescent & Tamar Road, and then extended to serve the new development at Alderman Road & the Samworth Brothers site on the A607. 
- MC3 service will replace the second half of the 15 service, serving Dieppe Way, Abingdon Road & Dorothy Avenue.
- MC4 service will replace the 14 service around Baldock's Lane, and is extended to Melton Vale 6th Form.  
- MC5 is a new service to operate via Thorpe Road, to serve the new housing estate at Heron Crescent. 

Tickets & Fares

ADULT DAY East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for one day.

UNDER 19 DAY East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for one day.

DUO (2 passengers) DAY East Midlands Network

Valid for two passengers travelling together on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for one day. Valid after 0900 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.

GROUP (5 passengers) DAY East Midlands Network

Valid for up to five passengers travelling together on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for one day. Valid after 0900 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.

ADULT TEN TRIP East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for ten individual journeys.

ADULT WEEK East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for seven consecutive days.

UNDER 19 WEEK East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for seven consecutive days.

ADULT FOUR WEEK East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for 28 consecutive days.

UNDER 19 FOUR WEEK East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for 28 consecutive days.

UNDER 19 ANNUAL East Midlands Network

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the East Midlands for 365 consecutive days.

ADULT DAY Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for one day.

UNDER 19 DAY Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for one day.

DUO (2 passengers) Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid for two passengers travelling together on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for one day. Valid after 0900 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.

GROUP (5 passengers) Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid for up to five passengers travelling together on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for one day. Valid after 0900 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.

ADULT WEEK Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for seven consecutive days.

UNDER 19 WEEK Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for seven consecutive days.

ADULT FOUR WEEK Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for 28 consecutive days.

UNDER 19 FOUR WEEK Melton Mowbray Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Melton Mowbray zone for 28 consecutive days.

Route Guide

  • Windsor Street, Melton Mowbray
  • Crown Inn, Melton Mowbray
  • Rail Station, Melton Mowbray
  • Hunters Road, Melton Mowbray
  • Branston Crescent, Melton Mowbray
  • Chadwell Close, Melton Mowbray
  • Guadaloupe Avenue, Melton Mowbray
  • Sherard Primary School, Melton Mowbray
  • Meadow Way, Melton Mowbray
  • Waverley Court, Melton Mowbray
  • Victoria Street, Melton Mowbray
  • Gloucester Avenue, Melton Mowbray
  • Melton Sports Village, Melton Mowbray
  • Gloucester Avenue, Melton Mowbray
  • Victoria Street, Melton Mowbray
  • Baldocks Lane, Melton Mowbray
  • Rail Station, Melton Mowbray
  • Crown Inn, Melton Mowbray
  • Health Centre, Melton Mowbray
  • Windsor Street, Melton Mowbray


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - MC4 - Melton Connect - Baldocks Lane, Grange Drive and Sports Village

Windsor Street
Melton Mowbray (Stand W1)
07:55 09:05 10:05 12:05 13:05 15:05 16:05 17:05 18:05
Hunters Road
07:58 09:08 10:08 12:08 13:08 15:08 16:08 17:08 18:08
Melton Sports Village
08:02 09:12 10:12 12:12 13:12 15:12 16:12 17:12 18:12
Windsor Street
Melton Mowbray (Stand W3)
08:10 09:20 10:20 12:20 13:20 15:20 16:20 17:20 18:20

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - MC4 - Melton Connect - Baldocks Lane, Grange Drive and Sports Village

Windsor Street
Melton Mowbray (Stand W1)
08:05 09:05 10:05 12:05 13:05 15:05 16:05 17:05 18:05
Hunters Road
08:08 09:08 10:08 12:08 13:08 15:08 16:08 17:08 18:08
Melton Sports Village
08:12 09:12 10:12 12:12 13:12 15:12 16:12 17:12 18:12
Windsor Street
Melton Mowbray (Stand W3)
08:20 09:20 10:20 12:20 13:20 15:20 16:20 17:20 18:20

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - MC4 - Melton Connect - Baldocks Lane, Grange Drive and Sports Village

Windsor Street
Melton Mowbray (Stand W1)
08:05 09:05 10:05 12:05 13:05 15:05 16:05 17:05 18:05
Hunters Road
08:08 09:08 10:08 12:08 13:08 15:08 16:08 17:08 18:08
Melton Sports Village
08:12 09:12 10:12 12:12 13:12 15:12 16:12 17:12 18:12
Windsor Street
Melton Mowbray (Stand W3)
08:20 09:20 10:20 12:20 13:20 15:20 16:20 17:20 18:20

Generated on 13/01/2025 00:07