ic_bus hospital hopper

Hamilton Centre - Beaumont Centre

via General Hospital, Railway Station, Royal Infirmary and Glenfield Hospital
View Live Service Download Timetable

Service Information

For more information on the Leicester Buses Partnership visit www.leicesterbuses.co.uk

For more information on Flexi bus tickets visit leicesterbuses.co.uk/multi-operator-ticketing


Tickets & Fares


Valid on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester Flexi zone for any 3 day travel in a 7 day period.

FAMILY DAY Leicester Flexi

Family Ticket for 2 Adults and up to 3 Children (under 16) and is valid on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester Flexi zone for one day.

ADULT DAY Leicester Flexi

Valid on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester Flexi zone for a days travel.

UNDER 16 DAY Leicester Flexi

Valid for an under 16 on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester flexi zone for a days travel.

STUDENT ANNUAL Leicester Flexi

Valid for Students (anyone up to the age of 19 or in full time education) on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus, Vectare and Stagecoach services in the Leicester zone for 12 months travel.

UNDER 16 ANNUAL Leicester Flexi

Valid for an Under 16 on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus, Stagecoach and Vectare services in the Leicester zone for 12 months travel.

ADULT ANNUAL Leicester Flexi

Valid on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester Flexi zone for 12 months travel.

ADULT WEEK Leicester Flexi

Valid on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester Flexi zone for a weeks travel.

UNDER 16 WEEK Leicester Flexi

Valid for an Under 16 on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester flexi zone for a weeks travel.

ADULT FOUR WEEK Leicester Flexi

Valid on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester flexi zone for 28 days.

UNDER 16 FOUR WEEK Leicester Flexi

Valid for an Under 16 on Centrebus, Arriva, First, Kinchbus and Stagecoach services in the Leicester zone for 28 days.

Route Guide

  • Hamilton Tesco
  • Averil Road, New Humberstone
  • Havencrest Drive, Nether Hall
  • Walshe Road, Goodwood
  • Barnes Heath Road, Crown Hills
  • General Hospital, Crown Hills
  • Goals Football Centre, Crown Hills
  • Tavistock Drive, Crown Hills
  • Golf Course, Evington
  • Knighton Road, Leicester
  • St Johns Road, Clarendon Park
  • St James Road, Clarendon Park
  • Saxby Street, Leicester
  • Prebend Street, Leicester
  • Royal Infirmary Hospital, Leicester
  • St Nicholas Circle, Leicester
  • Slater Street, Frog Island
  • Fosse Road Corner, Leicester
  • Mary Road, Leicester Frith
  • Heathley Park Drive, Leicester Frith
  • Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
  • Hallgate Drive, Leicester
  • Beaumont Centre, Beaumont Leys
  • Beaumont Centre, Beaumont Leys
  • Hallgate Drive, Leicester
  • Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
  • Gilroes Cemetery, Leicester Frith
  • Heathley Park Drive, Leicester Frith
  • Mary Road, Leicester Frith
  • Medina Road, Leicester
  • Slater Street, Frog Island
  • St Nicholas Circle, Leicester
  • Royal Infirmary Hospital, Leicester
  • Station Street, Leicester
  • Saxby Street, Leicester
  • St James Road, Clarendon Park
  • Elmfield Avenue, Stoneygate
  • Toller Road, Stoneygate
  • Golf Course, Evington
  • Evington Lane
  • Goals Football Centre, Crown Hills
  • General Hospital, Crown Hills
  • Woodborough Road, Crown Hills
  • Walshe Road, Goodwood
  • Havencrest Drive, Nether Hall
  • Averil Road, New Humberstone
  • Hamilton Tesco


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - HH - Hamilton Centre - Beaumont Centre

Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
06:10 06:40 07:10 --- 07:40 08:23 09:00 09:28 09:58 10:28 10:58 11:28 11:58 12:28 12:58
General Hospital
Crown Hills (SW)
06:20 06:50 07:20 07:21 07:57 08:36 09:10 09:38 10:08 10:38 11:08 11:38 12:08 12:38 13:08
Knighton Road
Leicester (NW)
06:26 06:56 07:28 07:29 08:04 08:44 09:16 09:44 10:14 10:44 11:14 11:44 12:14 12:44 13:14
Saxby Street
Leicester (N)
06:31 07:01 07:35 07:36 08:15 08:52 09:21 09:49 10:19 10:49 11:19 11:49 12:19 12:49 13:19
Prebend Street
Leicester (NW)
06:33 07:03 07:37 07:38 08:20 08:54 09:23 09:51 10:21 10:51 11:21 11:51 12:21 12:51 13:21
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GG)
06:41 07:11 07:48 07:49 08:30 09:03 09:31 09:59 10:29 10:59 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59 13:29
Fosse Road Corner
Leicester (W)
06:49 07:19 07:58 07:59 08:42 09:11 09:41 10:07 10:37 11:07 11:37 12:07 12:37 13:07 13:37
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (W)
06:51 07:21 08:01 08:02 08:45 09:13 09:43 10:09 10:39 11:09 11:39 12:09 12:39 13:09 13:39
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
06:57 07:27 08:06 08:08 08:50 09:19 09:48 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:15 12:45 13:15 13:45
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand E)
07:02 07:32 08:10 --- 08:55 09:25 09:52 10:20 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:20 12:50 13:20 13:50
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
13:28 13:58 14:28 14:55 15:28 15:58 16:30 17:15 17:45 18:20 19:20 20:10      
General Hospital
Crown Hills (SW)
13:38 14:08 14:38 15:08 15:38 16:10 16:40 17:25 17:55 18:30 19:28 20:18      
Knighton Road
Leicester (NW)
13:44 14:14 14:44 15:17 15:47 16:18 16:48 17:34 18:03 18:37 19:34 20:24      
Saxby Street
Leicester (N)
13:49 14:19 14:49 15:23 15:53 16:25 16:55 17:42 18:09 18:42 19:39 20:29      
Prebend Street
Leicester (NW)
13:51 14:21 14:51 15:27 15:57 16:28 17:00 17:47 18:12 18:45 19:41 20:31      
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GG)
13:59 14:29 14:59 15:36 16:06 16:36 17:08 17:56 18:20 18:53 19:48 20:38      
Fosse Road Corner
Leicester (W)
14:07 14:37 15:07 15:46 16:16 16:48 17:20 18:07 18:29 19:00 19:55 20:45      
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (W)
14:09 14:39 15:09 15:48 16:18 16:50 17:23 18:10 18:31 19:02 19:57 20:47      
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
14:15 14:45 15:15 15:55 16:25 16:57 17:30 18:14 18:37 19:07 20:02 20:52      
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand E)
14:20 14:50 15:20 16:01 16:31 17:03 17:37 18:19 18:42 19:12 20:07 20:57      

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - HH - Beaumont Centre - Hamilton Centre

Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand A)
06:20 06:40 06:40 --- 07:09 07:40 07:40 08:20 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
06:24 06:44 06:44 07:14 07:14 07:46 07:46 08:25 09:04 09:34 10:04 10:34 11:04 11:34 12:04
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (SE)
06:27 06:47 06:47 07:17 07:17 07:50 07:50 08:28 09:07 09:37 10:07 10:37 11:07 11:37 12:07
Bankart Avenue
06:28 06:50 06:50 07:20 07:20 07:55 07:55 08:32 09:09 09:39 10:09 10:39 11:09 11:39 12:09
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GF)
06:39 07:02 07:02 07:34 07:35 08:13 08:13 08:45 09:20 09:50 10:20 10:50 11:20 11:50 12:20
Station Street
Leicester (Stand ED)
06:44 07:08 07:08 --- 07:43 08:23 --- 08:52 09:26 09:56 10:26 10:56 11:26 11:56 12:26
Saxby Street
Leicester (Stand B)
06:45 07:09 07:09 --- 07:44 08:25 --- 08:53 09:27 09:57 10:27 10:57 11:27 11:57 12:27
Toller Road
Stoneygate (SE)
06:49 07:13 07:13 --- 07:49 08:31 --- 08:57 09:31 10:01 10:31 11:01 11:31 12:01 12:31
General Hospital
Crown Hills (NE)
06:59 07:23 07:23 --- 08:02 08:43 --- 09:07 09:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:10 12:40
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
07:07 07:34 07:34 --- 08:18 08:55 --- 09:18 09:51 10:21 10:51 11:21 11:51 12:21 12:51
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand A)
12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:25 14:55 15:25 16:05 16:35 17:10 17:45 18:25 19:20 20:10  
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
12:34 13:04 13:34 14:04 14:31 15:01 15:31 16:11 16:40 17:16 17:50 18:29 19:24 20:14  
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (SE)
12:37 13:07 13:37 14:07 14:34 15:04 15:35 16:15 16:44 17:20 17:53 18:32 19:27 20:17  
Bankart Avenue
12:39 13:09 13:39 14:09 14:37 15:07 15:39 16:19 16:47 17:24 17:55 18:34 19:29 20:19  
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GF)
12:50 13:20 13:50 14:20 14:50 15:20 15:52 16:32 17:02 17:39 18:09 18:45 19:39 20:29  
Station Street
Leicester (Stand ED)
12:56 13:26 13:56 14:26 14:57 15:27 15:58 16:39 17:10 17:46 18:16 18:51 19:44 20:34  
Saxby Street
Leicester (Stand B)
12:57 13:27 13:57 14:27 14:58 15:28 16:00 16:41 17:11 17:48 18:18 18:52 19:45 20:35  
Toller Road
Stoneygate (SE)
13:01 13:31 14:01 14:31 15:02 15:32 16:04 16:46 17:17 17:55 18:22 18:56 19:49 20:39  
General Hospital
Crown Hills (NE)
13:10 13:40 14:10 14:40 15:12 15:42 16:14 16:59 17:27 18:05 18:31 19:05 19:57 20:47  
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
13:21 13:51 14:21 14:51 15:23 15:53 16:25 17:09 17:40 18:15 18:41 19:16 20:05 20:55  

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - HH - Hamilton Centre - Beaumont Centre

Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
06:10 06:40 07:15 07:45 08:23 09:29 10:28 11:28 12:28 13:28 14:29 15:30 16:30 17:15 17:45
General Hospital
Crown Hills (SW)
06:20 06:50 07:25 07:55 08:33 09:39 10:38 11:38 12:38 13:38 14:39 15:40 16:40 17:25 17:55
Knighton Road
Leicester (NW)
06:26 06:56 07:31 08:01 08:39 09:45 10:44 11:44 12:44 13:44 14:45 15:46 16:46 17:31 18:01
Saxby Street
Leicester (N)
06:31 07:01 07:36 08:06 08:44 09:50 10:49 11:49 12:49 13:49 14:50 15:51 16:51 17:36 18:06
Prebend Street
Leicester (NW)
06:33 07:03 07:38 08:08 08:46 09:52 10:51 11:51 12:51 13:51 14:52 15:53 16:54 17:39 18:09
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GG)
06:41 07:11 07:46 08:16 08:54 10:00 10:59 11:59 12:59 13:59 15:00 16:01 17:03 17:48 18:18
Fosse Road Corner
Leicester (W)
06:49 07:19 07:54 08:24 09:02 10:08 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:07 15:08 16:09 17:11 17:56 18:26
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (W)
06:51 07:21 07:56 08:26 09:04 10:10 11:09 12:09 13:09 14:09 15:10 16:11 17:13 17:58 18:28
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
06:57 07:27 08:02 08:32 09:10 10:16 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 15:16 16:17 17:20 18:05 18:35
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand E)
07:02 07:32 08:07 08:37 09:15 10:21 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:21 16:22 17:25 18:10 18:40
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
18:20 19:20 20:10                        
General Hospital
Crown Hills (SW)
18:30 19:30 20:20                        
Knighton Road
Leicester (NW)
18:36 19:36 20:26                        
Saxby Street
Leicester (N)
18:41 19:40 20:30                        
Prebend Street
Leicester (NW)
18:43 19:42 20:32                        
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GG)
18:51 19:50 20:40                        
Fosse Road Corner
Leicester (W)
18:59 19:58 20:48                        
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (W)
19:01 20:00 20:50                        
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
19:07 20:04 20:53                        
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand E)
19:12 20:08 20:57                        

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - HH - Beaumont Centre - Hamilton Centre

Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand A)
06:20 06:43 07:15 07:45 08:25 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:15 16:45 17:45
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
06:24 06:47 07:19 07:49 08:29 09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:34 16:20 16:50 17:50
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (SE)
06:27 06:50 07:22 07:52 08:32 09:37 10:37 11:37 12:37 13:37 14:37 15:37 16:23 16:53 17:53
Bankart Avenue
06:28 06:52 07:24 07:54 08:34 09:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 16:25 16:55 17:55
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GF)
06:39 07:03 07:35 08:05 08:45 09:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 15:50 16:37 17:07 18:07
Station Street
Leicester (Stand ED)
06:44 07:09 07:41 08:11 08:51 09:56 10:56 11:56 12:56 13:56 14:56 15:56 16:44 17:14 18:14
Saxby Street
Leicester (Stand B)
06:45 07:10 07:42 08:12 08:52 09:57 10:57 11:57 12:57 13:57 14:57 15:57 16:45 17:15 18:15
Toller Road
Stoneygate (SE)
06:49 07:14 07:46 08:16 08:56 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 15:01 16:01 16:49 17:19 18:19
General Hospital
Crown Hills (NE)
06:59 07:23 07:55 08:25 09:05 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:10 16:10 16:59 17:29 18:29
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
07:07 07:34 08:06 08:36 09:16 10:21 11:21 12:21 13:21 14:21 15:21 16:21 17:10 17:40 18:40
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand A)
18:25 19:20 20:10                        
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
18:29 19:24 20:14                        
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (SE)
18:32 19:27 20:17                        
Bankart Avenue
18:34 19:29 20:19                        
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GF)
18:45 19:39 20:29                        
Station Street
Leicester (Stand ED)
18:51 19:44 20:34                        
Saxby Street
Leicester (Stand B)
18:52 19:45 20:35                        
Toller Road
Stoneygate (SE)
18:56 19:49 20:39                        
General Hospital
Crown Hills (NE)
19:05 19:57 20:47                        
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
19:16 20:05 20:55                        

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - HH - Hamilton Centre - Beaumont Centre

Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
06:10 07:20 08:25 15:30 17:05 18:20 19:05
General Hospital
Crown Hills (SW)
06:20 07:30 08:35 15:40 17:15 18:30 19:15
Knighton Road
Leicester (NW)
06:26 07:36 08:41 15:46 17:21 18:36 19:21
Saxby Street
Leicester (N)
06:31 07:41 08:46 15:51 17:26 18:41 19:26
Prebend Street
Leicester (NW)
06:33 07:43 08:48 15:53 17:28 18:43 19:28
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GG)
06:41 07:51 08:56 16:01 17:36 18:51 19:36
Fosse Road Corner
Leicester (W)
06:49 07:59 09:04 16:09 17:44 18:59 19:44
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (W)
06:51 08:01 09:06 16:11 17:46 19:01 19:46
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
06:57 08:07 09:12 16:17 17:52 19:07 19:52
Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand E)
07:02 08:12 09:17 16:22 17:57 19:12 19:57

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - HH - Beaumont Centre - Hamilton Centre

Beaumont Centre
Beaumont Leys (Stand A)
06:20 07:15 08:26 15:35 16:45 18:10 19:20 20:10
Glenfield Hospital
Leicester (Main Entrance)
06:24 07:19 08:30 15:39 16:49 18:14 19:24 20:14
Heathley Park Drive
Leicester Frith (SE)
06:27 07:22 08:33 15:42 16:52 18:17 19:27 20:17
Bankart Avenue
06:28 07:24 08:35 15:44 16:54 18:19 19:29 20:19
Royal Infirmary Hospital
Leicester (Stand GF)
06:39 07:35 08:46 15:55 17:05 18:30 19:39 20:29
Station Street
Leicester (Stand ED)
06:44 07:41 08:52 16:01 17:11 18:36 19:44 20:34
Saxby Street
Leicester (Stand B)
06:45 07:42 08:53 16:02 17:12 18:37 19:45 20:35
Toller Road
Stoneygate (SE)
06:49 07:46 08:57 16:06 17:16 18:41 19:49 20:39
General Hospital
Crown Hills (NE)
06:59 07:55 09:06 16:15 17:25 18:50 19:57 20:47
Hamilton Tesco
Hamilton (Stand 3)
07:07 08:06 09:17 16:26 17:36 19:01 20:05 20:55

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Generated on 08/11/2024 09:40