ic_bus 81

Westmill Estate - High Dane

via Hitchin Town Centre
View Live Service Download Timetable

Tickets & Fares

ADULT DAY Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for one day.

ADULT FOUR WEEK Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for 28 consecutive days.

ADULT TEN TRIP Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for ten individual journeys.

ADULT WEEK Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for seven consecutive days.

DUO (2 passengers) Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid for two passengers travelling together on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for one day. Valid after 0900 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.

GROUP (5 passengers) Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid for up to five passengers travelling together on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for one day. Valid after 0900 Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.

UNDER 19 DAY Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for one day.

UNDER 19 FOUR WEEK Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for 28 consecutive days.

UNDER 19 WEEK Herts & Beds Network Zone

Valid on all Centrebus routes in the Herts & Beds Network zone for seven consecutive days.

Route Guide

  • Nutleigh Grove, Westmill Estate
  • Mattocke Road, Westmill Estate
  • Kings Hedges, Westmill Estate
  • Bingen Road, Westmill Estate
  • Moss Way, Westmill Estate
  • Swinburne Avenue, Westmill Estate
  • Westmill Lane, Westmill Estate
  • River Mead, Westmill Estate
  • Milestone Road, Westmill Estate
  • Truemans Road, Westmill Estate
  • Beechwood Close, Westmill Estate
  • Westmill Road, Westmill Estate
  • The Crescent, Westmill Estate
  • Nutleigh Grove, Westmill Estate
  • Fishponds Road, Hitchin
  • Waitrose, Hitchin
  • Grammar School Walk, Hitchin
  • Bancroft, Hitchin
  • Bunyan Road, Hitchin
  • Grove Road, Hitchin
  • Water Lane, Hitchin
  • Stormont Road, Hitchin
  • Millstream Close, Hitchin
  • Tristram Road, Walsworth
  • Sturgeon's Way, Walsworth
  • High Dane, Walsworth
  • High Dane, Walsworth
  • Highover Way, Walsworth
  • East Close, Walsworth
  • Millstream Close, Hitchin
  • Stormont Road, Hitchin
  • Grove Road, Hitchin
  • Bunyan Road, Hitchin
  • Bancroft, Hitchin
  • West Hill, Hitchin
  • Fishponds Road, Hitchin
  • Nutleigh Grove, Westmill Estate
  • Mattocke Road, Westmill Estate
  • Kings Hedges, Westmill Estate
  • Bingen Road, Westmill Estate
  • Moss Way, Westmill Estate


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 81 - Westmill Estate - Hitchin and High Dane

Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
06:30 07:05 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
06:32 07:07 07:27 07:47 08:17 08:42 09:12 09:37 09:57 10:17 10:37 10:57 11:17 11:37 11:57
Football Club
Hitchin (E)
06:38 --- 07:33 07:53 08:23 08:48 --- 09:43 10:03 --- 10:43 11:03 --- 11:43 12:03
Hermitage Road
Hitchin (Stop A)
06:43 --- 07:38 --- --- 08:53 --- 09:48 --- --- 10:48 --- --- 11:48 ---
Hitchin (Stop G)
--- --- --- 07:58 08:28 --- --- --- 10:08 --- --- 11:08 --- --- 12:08
Hitchin (Stop E) Arrive
--- 07:18 --- --- --- --- 09:23 --- --- 10:28 --- --- 11:28 --- ---
Hitchin (Stop E) Depart
--- 07:20 --- --- --- --- 09:30 --- --- 10:30 --- --- 11:30 --- ---
Millstream Close
Hitchin (NE)
--- 07:25 --- --- --- --- 09:35 --- --- 10:35 --- --- 11:35 --- ---
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
--- 07:30 --- --- --- --- 09:40 --- --- 10:40 --- --- 11:40 --- ---
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
12:17 12:37 12:57 13:17 13:37 13:57 14:17 14:37 14:57 15:17 15:37 15:57 16:17 16:47 17:07
Football Club
Hitchin (E)
--- 12:43 13:03 --- 13:43 14:03 --- 14:43 15:03 --- 15:43 16:03 --- 16:53 17:13
Hermitage Road
Hitchin (Stop A)
--- 12:48 --- --- 13:48 --- --- 14:48 --- --- 15:48 --- --- 16:58 ---
Hitchin (Stop G)
--- --- 13:08 --- --- 14:08 --- --- 15:08 --- --- 16:08 --- --- 17:18
Hitchin (Stop E) Arrive
12:28 --- --- 13:28 --- --- 14:28 --- --- 15:28 --- --- 16:28 --- ---
Hitchin (Stop E) Depart
12:30 --- --- 13:30 --- --- 14:30 --- --- 15:30 --- --- 16:35 --- ---
Millstream Close
Hitchin (NE)
12:35 --- --- 13:35 --- --- 14:35 --- --- 15:35 --- --- 16:40 --- ---
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
12:40 --- --- 13:40 --- --- 14:40 --- --- 15:40 --- --- 16:45 --- ---
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
--- --- ---                        
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
17:27 17:52 18:22                        
Football Club
Hitchin (E)
--- 17:58 ---                        
Hermitage Road
Hitchin (Stop A)
--- 18:03 ---                        
Hitchin (Stop G)
--- --- ---                        
Hitchin (Stop E) Arrive
17:38 --- 18:33                        
Hitchin (Stop E) Depart
17:45 --- 18:35                        
Millstream Close
Hitchin (NE)
17:50 --- 18:40                        
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
17:55 --- 18:45                        

Journey notes

  • NHPS_24-25
    • Service does not run during working days of The Priory School 2024-5

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 81 - Hitchin and High Dane - Westmill Estate

High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
--- 07:30 --- --- 08:45 --- 09:40 --- --- 10:40 --- --- 11:40 --- ---
Millstream Close
Hitchin (SW)
--- 07:33 --- --- 08:48 --- 09:43 --- --- 10:43 --- --- 11:43 --- ---
Hitchin (Stop G) Arrive
--- 07:39 --- --- 08:55 --- 09:49 --- --- 10:49 --- --- 11:49 --- ---
Hitchin (Stop G) Depart
07:20 07:40 08:10 08:35 09:05 09:30 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30 11:50 12:10 12:30
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
07:25 07:45 08:15 08:40 09:10 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15 11:35 11:55 12:15 12:35
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
07:27 07:47 08:17 08:42 09:12 09:37 09:57 10:17 10:37 10:57 11:17 11:37 11:57 12:17 12:37
The Crescent
Westmill Estate (S)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
                  NHPS_24-25 HPS_24-25          
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
12:40 --- --- 13:40 --- --- 14:40 --- --- --- 15:40 --- --- 16:45 ---
Millstream Close
Hitchin (SW)
12:43 --- --- 13:43 --- --- 14:43 --- --- --- 15:43 --- --- 16:48 ---
Hitchin (Stop G) Arrive
12:49 --- --- 13:49 --- --- 14:49 --- --- --- 15:49 --- --- 16:55 ---
Hitchin (Stop G) Depart
12:50 13:10 13:30 13:50 14:10 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:30 15:30 15:50 16:10 16:40 17:00 17:20
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
12:55 13:15 13:35 13:55 14:15 14:35 14:55 15:15 15:35 15:35 15:55 16:15 16:45 17:05 17:25
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
12:57 13:17 13:37 13:57 14:17 14:37 14:57 15:17 15:37 15:37 15:57 16:17 16:47 17:07 17:27
The Crescent
Westmill Estate (S)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15:41 --- --- --- --- ---
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
--- 17:55 18:45                        
Millstream Close
Hitchin (SW)
--- 17:58 18:48                        
Hitchin (Stop G) Arrive
--- 18:05 18:54                        
Hitchin (Stop G) Depart
17:45 18:15 ---                        
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
17:50 18:20 ---                        
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
17:52 18:22 ---                        
The Crescent
Westmill Estate (S)
--- --- ---                        

Journey notes

  • NHPS_24-25
    • Service does not run during working days of The Priory School 2024-5
  • HPS_24-25
    • Service runs only during working days of The Priory School 2024-5

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 81 - Westmill Estate - Hitchin and High Dane

Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
--- 07:44 08:17 08:42 09:12 09:37 09:57 10:17 10:37 10:57 11:17 11:37 11:57 12:17 12:37
Football Club
Hitchin (E)
--- 07:49 08:23 08:48 --- 09:43 10:03 --- 10:43 11:03 --- 11:43 12:03 --- 12:43
Hermitage Road
Hitchin (Stop A)
--- 07:54 --- 08:53 --- 09:48 --- --- 10:48 --- --- 11:48 --- --- 12:48
Hitchin (Stop G)
--- --- 08:28 --- --- --- 10:08 --- --- 11:08 --- --- 12:08 --- ---
Hitchin (Stop E) Arrive
--- --- --- --- 09:23 --- --- 10:28 --- --- 11:28 --- --- 12:28 ---
Hitchin (Stop E) Depart
07:20 --- --- --- 09:30 --- --- 10:30 --- --- 11:30 --- --- 12:30 ---
Millstream Close
Hitchin (NE)
07:24 --- --- --- 09:35 --- --- 10:35 --- --- 11:35 --- --- 12:35 ---
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
07:29 --- --- --- 09:40 --- --- 10:40 --- --- 11:40 --- --- 12:40 ---
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
12:57 13:17 13:37 13:57 14:17 14:37 14:57 15:17 15:37 15:57 16:17 16:47 17:07 17:27 17:52
Football Club
Hitchin (E)
13:03 --- 13:43 14:03 --- 14:43 15:03 --- 15:43 16:03 --- 16:53 17:13 --- 17:58
Hermitage Road
Hitchin (Stop A)
--- --- 13:48 --- --- 14:48 --- --- 15:48 --- --- 16:58 --- --- 18:03
Hitchin (Stop G)
13:08 --- --- 14:08 --- --- 15:08 --- --- 16:08 --- --- 17:18 --- ---
Hitchin (Stop E) Arrive
--- 13:28 --- --- 14:28 --- --- 15:28 --- --- 16:28 --- --- 17:38 ---
Hitchin (Stop E) Depart
--- 13:30 --- --- 14:30 --- --- 15:30 --- --- 16:35 --- --- 17:45 ---
Millstream Close
Hitchin (NE)
--- 13:35 --- --- 14:35 --- --- 15:35 --- --- 16:40 --- --- 17:50 ---
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
--- 13:40 --- --- 14:40 --- --- 15:40 --- --- 16:45 --- --- 17:55 ---
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
Football Club
Hitchin (E)
Hermitage Road
Hitchin (Stop A)
Hitchin (Stop G)
Hitchin (Stop E) Arrive
Hitchin (Stop E) Depart
Millstream Close
Hitchin (NE)
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 81 - Hitchin and High Dane - Westmill Estate

High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
07:29 --- --- 08:45 --- 09:40 --- --- 10:40 --- --- 11:40 --- --- 12:40
Millstream Close
Hitchin (SW)
07:32 --- --- 08:48 --- 09:43 --- --- 10:43 --- --- 11:43 --- --- 12:43
Hitchin (Stop G) Arrive
--- --- --- 08:55 --- 09:49 --- --- 10:49 --- --- 11:49 --- --- 12:49
Hitchin (Stop G) Depart
07:37 08:10 08:35 09:05 09:30 09:50 10:10 10:30 10:50 11:10 11:30 11:50 12:10 12:30 12:50
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
07:42 08:15 08:40 09:10 09:35 09:55 10:15 10:35 10:55 11:15 11:35 11:55 12:15 12:35 12:55
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
07:44 08:17 08:42 09:12 09:37 09:57 10:17 10:37 10:57 11:17 11:37 11:57 12:17 12:37 12:57
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
--- --- 13:40 --- --- 14:40 --- --- 15:40 --- --- 16:45 --- --- 17:55
Millstream Close
Hitchin (SW)
--- --- 13:43 --- --- 14:43 --- --- 15:43 --- --- 16:48 --- --- 17:58
Hitchin (Stop G) Arrive
--- --- 13:49 --- --- 14:49 --- --- 15:49 --- --- 16:55 --- --- 18:05
Hitchin (Stop G) Depart
13:10 13:30 13:50 14:10 14:30 14:50 15:10 15:30 15:50 16:10 16:40 17:00 17:20 17:45 18:15
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
13:15 13:35 13:55 14:15 14:35 14:55 15:15 15:35 15:55 16:15 16:45 17:05 17:25 17:50 18:20
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)
13:17 13:37 13:57 14:17 14:37 14:57 15:17 15:37 15:57 16:17 16:47 17:07 17:27 17:52 18:22
High Dane
Walsworth (S-bound)
Millstream Close
Hitchin (SW)
Hitchin (Stop G) Arrive
Hitchin (Stop G) Depart
Nutleigh Grove
Westmill Estate (SW)
Moss Way
Westmill Estate (NW)

Generated on 01/03/2025 07:05